Chris Gallagher – Seeing in the Rain (1981)

Article publié le 7 janvier 2016
Pour citer cet article : , « Chris Gallagher – Seeing in the Rain (1981)  », Rhuthmos, 7 janvier 2016 [en ligne].

Experimental, 10:00, 1981

Photographed through the windshield of a Vancouver city bus and edited according to the rhythms of the bus’ windshield wiper, the film transforms the linear narrative of the bus ride into a temporal construction that can be described as cubist. The effect of the cutting strategy on the actual temporal organization of the film is as remarkable as its effect on our sense of time. – R. Bruce Elder, Image and Identity

Gallagher’s film embodies the essence of cinema ; movement, rhythm and the poignance of ephemeral gestures. – J. Hoerman

Nous remercions Marie Paccou de nous avoir signalé ce film.

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