ÉTUDES DALCROZIENNES – 3rd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies : « The living moment : Exploring improvisational practice » – Université Laval, Québec, Canada – 30 July-3 August 2017

Article publié le 1er novembre 2016
Pour citer cet article : Rhuthmos , « ÉTUDES DALCROZIENNES – 3rd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies : « The living moment : Exploring improvisational practice » – Université Laval, Québec, Canada – 30 July-3 August 2017  », Rhuthmos, 1er novembre 2016 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article1849

3rd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies

Université Laval – Québec – Canada

30 July-3 August 2017

Keynotes (confirmed)

Ruth Alperson, Dean, Hoff-Barthelson Music School, USA

Ruth Gianadda, Professor, Institute Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva, Switzerland

Karin Greenhead, Director of Studies, Dalcroze UK

Reto W. Kressig, Professor and Chair of Geriatrics, University Center for Medicine of Aging Basel (UAB), Felix-Platter Hospital, University of Basel, Switzerland

Raymond MacDonald, Professor of Music Psychology and Improvisation, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Max van Manen, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Canada

Lisa Parker, Director, Longy Dalcroze Institute, Longy School of Music of Bard College, USA


We welcome presentations on improvisation, as it relates to Dalcroze Eurhythmics and music, movement and the mindful body more broadly. We embrace a wide range of disciplines and areas, and invite practitioners and researchers to share their knowledge, experience and scholarship on this theme. Conference topics include, but are not limited to :

Music-movement improvisation

Descriptions and theories of improvisation

Improvisation and embodiment

Improvisation in culture and improvisation as culture

Improvisation as social relationship or dialogue

Improvisation as process, as product, as means

Interdisciplinary and intermedial approaches to improvisation

Teaching improvisation

The role of improvisation in pedagogy, performance, therapy and research

Teaching as an improvisational practice

Assessing and evaluating improvisation

Developing curricula and educational material on improvisation

Improvisation and the professional development of teachers

The interaction of technology and improvisation

Improvisation and well-being

Personal and social development through improvisation

Improvisation and ethics (empowerment, social justice)

Improvisation and community

The historical development and transmission of improvisational practice in Dalcroze Eurhythmics and related fields

Types of presentation : Paper, workshop, symposium, roundtable, informal daytime performance, evening performance, poster, presentation to host ICDS5 in 2021

Deadline : Submit your proposal at www.dalcroze-studies.com by Sunday 27 November 2016 23:59 (BST)

The aim of ICDS3 is to present the best of current research and practice within Dalcroze Studies and related fields. ICDS is a global, transdisciplinary forum, open to viewpoints from education, the arts and humanities, and the social, health and life sciences. We welcome practitioners and scholars alike. This year our theme is improvisation in music, dance, somatic practices, theatre and therapy, with a special focus on the relationships between music/sound and movement.

The living moment : Exploring improvisational practice

Improvisation forms the basis of human communication from infancy to the end of life. It defines the moment-to-moment flow of activity in our everyday interactions and is fundamental to creativity and innovation.

Improvisation is also central to music, dance and somatic traditions across culture, time and space. Musical and movement improvisation can be put to work in many contexts, including the pedagogical, therapeutic and performative, to bring about transformation. Improvisation can be both process and product, and an agent of change.

In Dalcroze Eurhythmics and related fields of practice, musical and movement improvisation are the main means of communication between teacher and learner, therapist and client, and between participants themselves.

Website : http://www.dalcroze-studies.com/ Registration : http://www.dalcroze-studies.com/registration

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