John Teske – Six Graphic Scores (2012)

Article publié le 9 mars 2013
Pour citer cet article : , « John Teske – Six Graphic Scores (2012)  », Rhuthmos, 9 mars 2013 [en ligne].

Version N° 1 with score.

John Teske’s « six graphic scores » (instrumental version) for one or more musicians ; played by Amy Denio, accordion ; Clifford Dunn, flute ; Emily Price, violin ; Jeremy Jolley, guitar ; John Teske, double bass ; Josh Gailey, trumpet ; Mara Sedlins, viola ; Maria Scherer Wilson, cello ; Mark Collins, double bass ; Rachael Beaver, cello. Recorded live at the Chapel Performance Space, Sept 16, 2010. Scores revised 2012.

These scores are intended for performance by one or more musicians. The horizontal axis represents time, the vertical axis represents relative pitch, and the quality of the markings denotes texture, relative duration, and density. The original scores allowed for a wide range of interpretations. After a number of performances I wanted to add more direction to the work by defining pitch centers and removing the urge for excessive volume. I hope the latter of these revisions allows the listener to focus on the subtle changes in pitch and texture.

John Teske
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