Mike Neary is involved in work to establish a post-capitalist university, grounded historically in the radical practices and culture of the co-operative labour movement. His own theoretical work is derived out of a critical reinterpretation of Karl Marx’s social theory that seeks to restore the problem of communism as the central issue for revolutionary politics. Mike is working with colleagues and students to develop the work of Henri Lefebvre (1901-1991), a key figure in the critical reappraisal of Marxism, and, in particular, on Lefebvre’s notion of rhythmanalysis. Lefebvre proposed rhythmanalysis as the basis for a new science or field of knowledge by which humanity might consider the many global emergencies confronting people and the planet.
Professor Mike Neary – Visiting Professor at CSPACE – School of Education and Social Work – On Lefebvre’s notion of rhythmanalysis
Article publié le 18 août 2020
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, « Professor Mike Neary – Visiting Professor at CSPACE – School of Education and Social Work – On Lefebvre’s notion of rhythmanalysis
Rhuthmos, 18 août 2020
[en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2602