Rhythm and Sense in the Philosophy of Levinas

Masato Goda
Article publié le 16 juillet 2019
Pour citer cet article : Masato Goda , « Rhythm and Sense in the Philosophy of Levinas  », Rhuthmos, 16 juillet 2019 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2387

N’ayant pas réussi à joindre Masato Goda, nous publions ce magnifique texte sans son autorisation. Nous espérons qu’il nous en excusera (PM).

It has been more than thirty years since I discovered the texts of Emmanuel Levinas. Before publishing the Japanese translations of Totality and Infinite and Otherwise than being, I published an anthology of Levinas’ work that included texts such as ‘‘Il y a’’, ‘‘Reality and its shadow’’ and so on. While I translated these texts, I noticed the importance Levinas accorded to the notion of ‘‘breaking of rhythm’’ as well as to that of ‘‘rhythm’’ itself, either when he compared ‘‘il y a’’ to the prose poem by Edgar Alan Poe in ‘‘Il y a’’ or when he stressed the musicality of image in ‘‘Reality and its shadow’’. But I’ve not been able to develop this topic for long time, until I read the first and the second volume of Levinas’ Complete Works where we can find several very significant fragments on rhythm. [...]

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