Gerry Mulligan – Night Lights (1963)

Article publié le 5 septembre 2022
Pour citer cet article : , « Gerry Mulligan – Night Lights (1963)  », Rhuthmos, 5 septembre 2022 [en ligne].

Gerry Mulligan, baritone sax and piano

Art Farmer, flugelhorn

Bob Brookmeyer, valve trombone

Jim Hall, guitar

Bill Crown , contreBasse

Dave Bailey, batteria (drums)

1 - NIGHT LIGHTS (1963 Version) ............................................................... 00:00​

2 - Morning Of The Carnival From « Blac. Orpheus » ...................................04:55​

3 - In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning .................................................10:25​

4 - Prelude In E Minor ....................................................................................16:06​

5 - Festival Minor ............................................................................................20:26​

6 - Tell Me When ............................................................................................ 27:21

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