Un numéro de Body & Society, « Rhythm, Movement, Embodiment » dirigé par Julian Henriques, Milla Tiainen & Pasi Väliaho, n° 20.3-4, Sep.-Dec. 2014

Article publié le 10 janvier 2015
Pour citer cet article : Rhuthmos , « Un numéro de Body & Society, « Rhythm, Movement, Embodiment » dirigé par Julian Henriques, Milla Tiainen & Pasi Väliaho, n° 20.3-4, Sep.-Dec. 2014  », Rhuthmos, 10 janvier 2015 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article1461

Un numéro de Body & Society, Rhythm, Movement, Embodiment dirigé par Julian Henriques, Milla Tiainen & Pasi Väliaho, n° 20.3-4, Sep-Dec 2014.

  • Julian Henriques, Milla Tiainen & Pasi Valiaho : “Introduction : Rhythm Returns – Movement and Cultural Theory”
  • This introduction charts several of rhythm’s various returns as a way of laying out the theoretical and methodological field in which the articles of this special issue find their place. While Henri Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis is perhaps familiar to many, rhythm has appeared in a wide repertoire of guises, in many disciplines over the decades and indeed the centuries. This introduction attends to the particular roles of rhythm in the formation of modernity ranging from the processes of industrialization and the proliferation of new media technologies to film and literary aesthetics as well as conceptualizations of human psychology, social behaviour and physiology. These are some of the historical antecedents to the contemporary understandings of rhythm within body studies to which most of the contributions to this issue are devoted. In this respect, the introduction outlines recent approaches to rhythm as vibration, a force of the virtual, and an intensive excess outside consciousness.
  • Keywords  : body culture, modernity, phenomenology, psychology, rhythmanalysis, vibration, the virtual.

Paola Crespi : Rhythmanalysis in gymnastics and dance : Rudolf Bode and Rudolf Laban

Rudolf Bode : Rhythm and its Importance for Education

Rudolf Laban : Eurhythmy and Kakorhythmy in Art and Education

Julian Henriques : Rhythmic Bodies : Amplification, Inflection and Transduction in the dance performance techniques of the “bashment gal” @ 140312

Pasi Valiaho : Video Games and the Cerebral Subject : On Playing Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3

Eleni Ikoniadou : Abstract time and affective perception in the sonic work of art

Erin Manning : Wondering the World Directly or, How Movement Outruns the Subject

Stamatia Portanova : Reading Erin Manning’s “Wondering the World Directly” and looking at the sky

Maxine Sheets-Johnstone : Thinking in Movement : A Response to Manning

Jodie McNeilly : A Phenomenology of or, with Total Movement

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