SOCIOLOGY – Call for « Social classes and social movements » – Third ISA Forum of Sociology – Deadline : 30/09/2015

Article publié le 5 septembre 2015
Pour citer cet article : Rhuthmos , « SOCIOLOGY – Call for « Social classes and social movements » – Third ISA Forum of Sociology – Deadline : 30/09/2015  », Rhuthmos, 5 septembre 2015 [en ligne].

18 panels dédiés aux mouvements sociaux et aux enjeux contemporains de la démocratie organisés par le Comité de Recherche 47 « Mouvements sociaux » de l’Association Internationale de Sociologie pour le Forum Mondial de Sociologie (Vienne – 10-14 juillet 2016). Les propositions de résumés sont attendues pour le 30 septembre au plus tard ici.

  • OPENING SESSION of RC 47 & RC 48 : Contemporary Social Movements

Session Organizer(s) :

Tova BENSKI, President of RC 48,

Geoffrey PLEYERS, President of RC 47, Université de Louvain,

Benjamín TEJERINA, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain,

Breno BRINGEL, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil,

We live in a time of deep reconfigurations of democracy, social movements and activism. Five years after the start of a major global movements’ wave in 2011, the panorama for social movements and democracy in the 2010s is a contrasting one. How do new trends in social movements study help us to grasp this fast evolving situation and the changing forms and meanings of both social movements and democracy ?

The decade started with a spread of emancipatory movements and democratic openings. After a phase of intense mobilizations, some of these activists have developed democratic and emancipatory practices in their daily life, while others experiment a partial shift to the institutional politics arena. By the mid-2010s, the panorama for social movements and democracy looks however far more contrasting. The democratic project has however come under serious threat. Social movements are repressed, journalists are killed, and citizens are spied by their states. Even in democratic regions, citizens seem to have little impact on major economic and political decisions. At the same time, conservative, racist and far-right movements are gaining impetus in the West and in the East, jihadism attracts thousands of young people from different regions of the world.

What have been the impacts, the challenges and the limits of emancipatory and conservative movements in the 2010s ? How do the new trends in social movement studies help us to grasp these transformations and the challenges faced by social movements and democracy ?

  • Democracy in the Squares : Global Resistance Movements and Women
  • Silos or Synergies ? Can Labor Build Effective Alliances with Other Global Social Movements ?
  • The Sociology of Social Movements as a General Sociology. Around Alain Touraine
  • Social Movements and the Future They Want
  • Young Activists, Subjectivity and “the Future They Want”
  • Cultural Signification : Making Sense of Action in Social Movements
  • Environmental Movements in the Age of Climate Change
  • Far Right Movements and Social Research
  • From Indymedia to #Occupywallstreet and Anti-Austerity Protests in Europe : Three Generations of Digital Activism Logics
  • ICTs in the Media Ecology of Protest Movements : Infrastructures, Discourses and Practices for Social Change
  • Genesis of the New Social Movements in the Global South Session Organizer(s)
  • Moving Refugees ? Mobilisation and Outcomes of Refugee Movements, Solidarity Groups, and Anti-Asylum Activities
  • Popular Dissent in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Social Movements As Sites of Social Development
  • Social Movements in Latin America : Contributing to a North-South Dialogue
  • Social Movements in the Arab World
  • Social Movements, Sociology and Climate Change
  • What’s Left of 2011 ? Continuities and Outcomes of the 2011 Protests
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