PSYCHOLOGIE – 1st Timing Research Forum Summer School – July 23-27, 2024 – Chios, Greece

Article publié le 7 février 2024
Pour citer cet article : Rhuthmos , « PSYCHOLOGIE – 1st Timing Research Forum Summer School – July 23-27, 2024 – Chios, Greece  », Rhuthmos, 7 février 2024 [en ligne].
1st Timing Research Forum (TRF) Summer School

Event Details :

 Date : July 23-27, 2024

 Location : Chios, Greece

 Registration :

About the Summer School :

The 1st TRF Summer School The “Modeling Altered Time Experiences in Human and Hybrid Collectives” summer school aims to both educate and promote critical thinking on the topics below :

1. Model the dynamics of human subjective time in terms of psychological key variables. Human time perception can be influenced by individual motivations, cognitive states, and social factors. We will review all these potential factors and dynamics that can modulate subjective time and interaction in human-human and hybrid systems. We will also challenge current thinking by transcending existing studies towards higher-level variables that modulate subjective time (e.g., attention, valence, arousal, bodily awareness).

2. Modulate time perception by auto-triggered sensory stimuli. Utilizing technologies to stimulate our sensory channels of vision, audition, and haptics, as well as their integration, and indicators of mental state and task performance (e.g., physiological signals, attentional deployment, agent reactions and interactions), we will challenge current thinking by finding ways to model automatic decision making and generation of stimulation for the subjective experience of time expanding or compressing. For this to be possible, we will provide a thorough review of the current state of the art on timing in combination with multisensory perception, interoception, haptic vest technologies, and virtual and augmented reality capabilities.

3. Coordinate time perception in human and hybrid collectives. Going beyond individual human-machine/robot interactions, we will critically think about the impact of time manipulation on group-level dynamics (purely human groups as well as hybrid groups of people collaborating with artificial systems ; e.g., robots). For this to be possible, we will provide a thorough review on human and hybrid collectives in terms of decision making, coordination, and synchronizations of strategies, as well as modelling in swarm and complex systems and collective robotics.

4. Utilise models to improve well-being and productivity in hybrid and human collaboration. This will be done through engaging theoretical talks from multidisciplinary teams, hands-on workshops, and collaborative projects. Participants will thus gain comprehensive insights into cutting-edge modeling techniques.

Registration Information :

Registration is closing on the 15th of March 2024. Limited spaces are available, so early registration is encouraged.

Who Should Attend :

Multidisciplinary teams at master’s, doctoral, and early career levels in psychology, neuroscience, robotics, and computational sciences will team up to meet these challenges and advance our knowledge on timing. The participants selected will be a nice blend of people from different disciplines with some or high knowledge in Python or Matlab.

Contact Information :

For inquiries or further information, feel free to contact us at :

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