Goldsmiths College, 23 April 2016.
Welcome by Paola Crespi and Eleni Ikoniadou
KEYNOTE : Pascal Michon “Could Rhythm Become a New Scientific Paradigm for the Humanities ?” inc. Q&A
Panel RHYTHM and ART (LG02)
Dee Reynolds “Rhythmic Seascapes and the Art of Waves” [Not recorded upon request of presenter]
Paola Crespi “‘Time is Measurable and It’s NOT Measurable’ : Polyrhythmicity in Rudolf Laban’s Unpublished Notes and Drawings”
Bruno Duarte “Rhythm and Structure : Brecht’s Rewriting of Hoelderin’s ‘Antigone’” [Not recorded upon request of presenter]
Ewan Jones “How the Nineteenth Century Socialised Rhythm” inc. Q&A
Mickey Vallee “Notes Towards a Social Syncopation : Rhythm, History and the Matter of Black Lives” inc. Q&A
John Habron “Rhythm and the Asylum : Priscilla Barclay and the Development of Dalcroze’s Eurhythmics as a Form of Music Therapy” inc. Q&A
Panel RHYTHM and MEDIA (LG02)
Simon Yuill and Bev Skeggs “Conflicted Rhythms of Value and Capital : Rhythmanalysis and Algorhythmic Analysis of Facebook” inc. Q&A
Sven Raeymaekers “Silence as Structural Element in Hollywood Films” inc. Q&A
Panel RHYTHM and THE BODY (LG01)
Eilon Morris “Rhythm and the Ecstatic Performer”
Mihaela Brebenel “What Could Possibly Still Get Us Going : Rhythm and the Unresolved” inc. Q&A
Panel RHYTHM and NUMBER (Topology Research Unit Panel) (LG02)
Peggy Reynolds “Rhythms All the Way Down”
Julian Henriques “Rhythmanalysis Weaponised”
Vesna Petresin “Being Rhythmic”
Sha Xin Wei “Rhythm and Textural Temporality : An Approach to Experience Without a Subject and Duration as an Effect” inc. Q&A
Steve Tromans “Rhythmicity, Improvisation and the Musical-Philosophical : Practice-as-Research in Jazz Performance” inc. Q&A
Eliza Robertson “Rhythm in Prose : Bergson’s Duree and the Grammatical Verbal” inc. Q&A
Yi Chen “Rhythmanalysis : Using the Concept of Rhythm for Cultural Enquiry” inc. Q&A
KEYNOTE : Paul Hegarty “Entropy Now ! Entropy Again ! Recursion in the Work of Peter Roehr” inc. Q&A