R. Lorenz (dir.), Not Now ! Now ! Chronopolitics, Art & Research

Article publié le 6 novembre 2016
Pour citer cet article : , « R. Lorenz (dir.), Not Now ! Now ! Chronopolitics, Art & Research  », Rhuthmos, 6 novembre 2016 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article1884

R. Lorenz (dir.), Not Now ! Now ! Chronopolitics, Art & Research, Berlin, Sternberg Press, 2014, 187 p.

 The newest issue from the ongoing publication series out of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Not Now ! Now ! engages the politics of time in art by examining historical narratives and memory, the unforeseen rhythms of time and the idea of visualizing time. The book connects postcolonial and queer debate around chrono-politics with artistic strategies involving temporal gaps and breaks - stutter time, citations and anachronisms, and collapses between time and meaning. An international group of art theorists, artists and artistic researchers highlight how temporal norms organize our biographies and intimate relations, as well as the handling of capital and cultural relations and suggest alternatives to entrenched concepts of what constitutes progressive and regressive cultures. A selection of artworks and recent debates in postcolonial and queer studies create the premise for this challenging conversation.

 Renate Lorenz is a professor of art and research at the Academy of Art in Vienna, Austria. Contributions by Jamika Ajalon, Ingrid Cogne, Elizabeth Freeman, Sharon Hayes, Suzana Milevska and more.

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