A. Mubi Brighenti & M. Kärrholm, Animated Lands : Studies in Territoriology

Article publié le 11 juin 2020
Pour citer cet article : , « A. Mubi Brighenti & M. Kärrholm, Animated Lands : Studies in Territoriology  », Rhuthmos, 11 juin 2020 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2569

A. Mubi Brighenti & M. Kärrholm, Animated Lands : Studies in Territoriology, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2020, 276 p.

 In Animated Lands Andrea Mubi Brighenti and Mattias Kärrholm focus on territory as a living phenomenon—and territoriality as an active and constantly reshaping force. They explore the complexity of territorial production through a series of parallel investigations into fundamental territorial themes, such as rhythm, synchronization, melody, morphogenesis, and animism.

The notion of territory is excavated through case studies including the analysis of urban playgrounds, home making, the transformations of urban walls, and the stabilization of peculiar building types such as the house-museum. These empirical examples span such cities as Ahmedabad, Amsterdam, London, and Rome. Animated Lands provides a broad introduction to what a theory of territories could be and how it could help to advance sociospatial studies.

 Andrea Mubi Brighenti is a professor of social theory at the University of Trento, Italy. He is the author of The Ambiguous Multiplicities : Materials, Episteme and Politics of Cluttered Social Formations.

 Mattias Kärrholm is a professor of architectural theory at Lund University, Sweden. He is the author of Retailising Space : Architecture, Retail and the Territorialisation of Public Space.

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