R. I. DeFord, Tactus, Mensuration and Rhythm in Renaissance Music

Article publié le 4 octobre 2020
Pour citer cet article : , « R. I. DeFord, Tactus, Mensuration and Rhythm in Renaissance Music  », Rhuthmos, 4 octobre 2020 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2621

R. I. DeFord, Tactus, Mensuration and Rhythm in Renaissance Music, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 518 p.

Ruth I. DeFord offers new interpretations of the writings of Renaissance music theorists on the notation and performance of rhythm. Illustrated with more than 200 music examples, this book provides new analytical insights and performance recommendations for some of the best-known musical repertories of the period.

Ruth I. DeFord is Professor Emerita of Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her principal areas of research are the Italian madrigal and canzonetta and music theory of the Renaissance. She has edited the canzoni of Giovanni Ferretti and the canzonettas of Orazio Vecchi for A-R Editions. Her articles have appeared in numerous scholarly journals.

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