J. Huisman & M. Tight (ed.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research Vol. 5

Article publié le 1er octobre 2020
Pour citer cet article : , « J. Huisman & M. Tight (ed.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research Vol. 5  », Rhuthmos, 1er octobre 2020 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2635

J. Huisman & M. Tight (ed.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research, Vol. 5, Bingley UK, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019, 248 p.

 Higher education research is a developing field internationally, which is attracting more and more researchers from a great variety of disciplinary backgrounds within and beyond higher education institutions. As such, it is an arena within which a wide range of theories, methods and methodologies is being applied.This volume of Theory and Method in Higher Education Research contains analyses and discussions of, amongst others, disability frameworks, rhythms research, loose coupling, mixed methods, internet-mediated research, critical whiteness and selection bias.

 Jeroen Huisman is Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Sociology, Ghent University, Belgium.

 Malcolm Tight is Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, UK.

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