T. Moore & C. Winner (Ed.), Rhythm and Geometry : Constructivist art in Britain since 1951

Article publié le 9 avril 2022
Pour citer cet article : , « T. Moore & C. Winner (Ed.), Rhythm and Geometry : Constructivist art in Britain since 1951  », Rhuthmos, 9 avril 2022 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2834

T. Moore & C. Winner (Ed.), Rhythm and Geometry : Constructivist art in Britain since 1951, Norwich, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, 2021, 152 p.

 Rhythm and Geometry : Constructivist art in Britain since 1951 celebrates the dynamic abstract and constructed art made and exhibited in Britain over a seventy-year period. Including constructed reliefs and sculpture, kinetic and participatory art, painting and printmaking, the publication explains the dialogue and collaboration between artists working in radical ways across the generations to continually reinvent Constructivist art.

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