G. Minissale, Rhythm in Art, Psychology and New Materialism

Article publié le 30 mai 2022
Pour citer cet article : , « G. Minissale, Rhythm in Art, Psychology and New Materialism  », Rhuthmos, 30 mai 2022 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2847

G. Minissale, Rhythm in Art. Psychology and New Materialism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, 300 p.


This book examines the psychology involved in handling, and responding to, materials in artistic practice, such as oils, charcoal, brushes, canvas, earth, and sand. Artists often work with intuitive, tactile sensations and rhythms that connect them to these materials. Rhythm connects the brain and body to the world, and the world of abstract art. The book features new readings of artworks by Matisse, Pollock, Dubuffet, Tápies, Benglis, Len Lye, Star Gossage, Shannon Novak, Simon Ingram, Lee Mingwei, L. N. Tallur and many others. Such art challenges centuries of philosophical and aesthetic order that has elevated the substance of mind over the substance of matter. This is a multidisciplinary study of different metastable patterns and rhythms : in art, the body, and the brain. This focus on the propagation of rhythm across domains represents a fresh art historical approach and provides important opportunities for art and science to cooperate.


Gregory Minissale is Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He specialises in philosophical and psychological approaches to art, and is the author of The Psychology of Contemporary Art (Cambridge, 2013).

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