ARTS et ESTHÉTIQUE – Workshop : « Rhythm, Time, Form - A Concept of Art Research around 1900 and its Temporal and Cultural Implications » – Bielefeld – 26-28 September 2018

Article publié le 4 août 2018
Pour citer cet article : Rhuthmos , « ARTS et ESTHÉTIQUE – Workshop : « Rhythm, Time, Form - A Concept of Art Research around 1900 and its Temporal and Cultural Implications » – Bielefeld – 26-28 September 2018  », Rhuthmos, 4 août 2018 [en ligne].

CONVENORS : Boris Roman Gibhardt (Bielefeld, GER)

The interdisciplinary workshop focused on the notion of rhythm. Around 1900 philosophers, artists and intellectuals strikingly often referred to the notion of rhythm in order to describe textual and visual phenomena of art and its experience. The workshop took up this debate on rhythm and tried to unfold its latent temporal and cultural implications. By reconstructing selected theoretical approaches that were discussed around 1900, and by critically referring to more recent positions, the workshop has demonstrated how the notion of rhythms can reasonably be integrated in a more general concept of time and temporality in the arts. Participants

PARTICIPANTS : Dominik Brabant (Eichstätt, GER), Robert Brain (Vancouver, CAN), Wolfgang Braungart (Bielefeld, GER), Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov (Bochum, GER), Christoph Geiser (Bern, SUI), Eva Geulen (Berlin, GER), Reinhold Görling (Düsseldorf, GER), Johannes Grave (Bielefeld, GER), Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford, USA), Marie Louise Herzfeld-Schild (Köln, GER), Britta Hochkirchen (Bielefeld, GER), Helmut Hühn (Jena, GER), Helga Lutz (Bielefeld, GER), Nathalie Mälzer (Hildesheim, GER), Stephanie Marchal (Bochum, GER), Miriam Sarah Marotzki (Bielefeld, GER), Jutta Müller-Tamm (Berlin, GER), Max Pommer (Jena, GER), Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Berlin, GER), Elisa Ronzheimer (Berlin, GER), Björn Spiekermann (Heidelberg, GER), Kirill Thompson (Taipei, TPE), Céline Trautmann-Waller (Paris, FRA), Elena Vogman (Berlin, GER)

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