G. Iparraguirre, Cultural Rhythmics : Applied Anthropology and Global Development from Latin America

Article publié le 1er octobre 2022
Pour citer cet article : , « G. Iparraguirre, Cultural Rhythmics : Applied Anthropology and Global Development from Latin America  », Rhuthmos, 1er octobre 2022 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article2913

G. Iparraguirre, Cultural Rhythmics : Applied Anthropology and Global Development from Latin America, Bingley, Emerald Publishing, 2022, 152 p.

 Presenting an anthropological tool for decision makers and academics who deal with the well-known limitations of linear models of development, Cultural Rhythmics proposes future design strategies useful for business, community leaders, political decision-makers and scientists from all over the world.

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