ADULT EDUCATION – Presentation by Fadia Dakka : « Towards an Ethics of Rhythm in (University) Education : from Philosophy to Praxis » – Research Symposium Series 2023 – January 30th @ 12:00-13:30pm CET

Article publié le 10 janvier 2023
Pour citer cet article : , « ADULT EDUCATION – Presentation by Fadia Dakka : « Towards an Ethics of Rhythm in (University) Education : from Philosophy to Praxis » – Research Symposium Series 2023 – January 30th @ 12:00-13:30pm CET  », Rhuthmos, 10 janvier 2023 [en ligne].

On Monday January 30th, from 12:00 to 13:30 (CET), Dr. Fadia Dakka will give a presentation titled « Towards an Ethics of Rhythm in (University) Education : from Philosophy to Praxis ». The talk explores the idea and reality of university rhythms, intended as pedagogical, political and ethical planes of thought and action that both create and condition possibilities of belonging and flourishing within our institutions. Initially drawing on Lefebvre’s Rhythmanalysis (2004), and Critique of Everyday Life (2014), it then revisits and stretches the meaning and affordances of rhythm thinking for education, considering notions of appropriation, dwelling, poises and anticipatory presence in contemporary, disembodied yet hyper-connected time-spaces.

The presentation will be made in English, with live transcripts, and it will be followed by a discussion with the audience.

To join this webinar, please use the link below : (Secret code : 834397)

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