On Monday March 6th, from 12:00 to 13:30 (Central European Time), Dr. Keri Facer will give a presentation titled « Educating the Temporal Imagination : Working with Temporal Pedagogies for Critical Thinking ». Nowhere is how we think about time more visible or important than in the complex temporalities of climate change, where the timings of political cycles, everyday lives and industrial societies are brought into tension with the rhythms of accreting carbon-dioxide molecules, future generations, and the deep-time legacies of fossil fuels. Learning to live in a world of complex temporal problems such as climate change therefore requires what we might call, after Mills and Harvey, a « temporal imagination ». The aim of this presentation is to explore the rationale for this claim and how we might begin to cultivate such an imagination through formal and informal education.
The presentation will be made in English, with live transcripts, and it will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
To join this webinar, please use the link below : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85403650534?pwd=OUhnOXo4MldVbzNKZ1lwQkpKMUNPZz09
(Code secret : 565751)