Un site entièrement consacré à l’écologie acoustique

Article publié le 1er octobre 2011
Pour citer cet article : Rhuthmos , « Un site entièrement consacré à l’écologie acoustique  », Rhuthmos, 1er octobre 2011 [en ligne]. https://www.rhuthmos.eu/spip.php?article417

L’écologie acoustique est une discipline récente et en croissance rapide. Dans la mesure où elle traite de problèmes de complexité et d’organisation du mouvant, elle intéresse directement les études rythmiques.

The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), founded in 1993, is an international association of affiliated organizations that share a common concern with the state of the world’s soundscapes. WFAE members represent a multi-disciplinary spectrum of individuals engaged in the study of the social, cultural and ecological aspects of the sonic environment.

The WFAE has nine international affiliate organizations with three in Europe, three in North America, and one each in Japan, Australia, and Greece.

Read : The online WFAE Newsletter, a supplement to the print publication, Soundscape : The Journal of Acoustic Ecology. The newsletter includes news of current activities related to the acoustic ecology. Back issues are available online. The Journal is available to all paid members and is published once a year.

Converse : We encourage you to participate in on-going discussions through the WFAE sponsored Acoustic-Ecology listserv. It is easy to join and participate with other ear-minded individuals regarding the soundscape environments in which we live.

Join : The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology encourages your participation in the growth and development of regional affiliate groups around the world. Learn more about becoming a member by visiting the membership web pageor downloading our WFAE Membership Form (PDF).

Participate : WFAE members and others participate at WFAE endorsed events around the world. Researchers, teachers, sound producers, musicians, and acoustic ecologists presented papers, panel discussions, workshops, sound installations, and gave sound art performances during many events.

Contacting The WFAE : wfae(dot)organization(at)gmail.com.

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