Towards a rhythmanalysis of debt dressage : Education as rhythmic resistance in everyday indebted life

Jason Thomas Wozniak
Article publié le 25 octobre 2019
Pour citer cet article : Jason Thomas Wozniak , « Towards a rhythmanalysis of debt dressage : Education as rhythmic resistance in everyday indebted life  », Rhuthmos, 25 octobre 2019 [en ligne].

This paper has already been published in Policy Futures in Education, 0(0) 1–14, 2017. It is freely available on Academia. We thank Jason Thomas Wozniak for the permission to republish it here.

Abstract : Debt shapes subjectivity by rhythmically training indebted subjects. Stated slightly differently, there exists a debt dressage that produces indebted subjectivity. One of the principle aims of this article is to introduce rhythm into the debt analysis debates. Building on Henri Lefebvre’s book Rhythmanalysis : Space, Time and Everyday Life, this article attempts to theoretically justify, as well as engage in, a rhythmanalysis of indebted life. The article concludes with the claim that education experience can be made up of, and produce, rhythms that disrupt the production of indebted subjectivity.

Keywords : Debt, indebted life, rhythm, rhythmanalysis, education

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