This presentation had already been published on September 11, 2020 on
P. Crespi & S. Manghani (dir.), Rhythm and Critique. Techniques, modalities, practices, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2020, 240 p.
– What is the relationship between rhythm and critique ? Rhythm remains one of the most productive terms for critical enquiry into our social, political and cultural lives. References to temporality, flow, measure, pattern, variation and meter occur across a wide range of critical literatures concerned with the arts, philosophy, technology, critical theory and studies of the everyday. Yet, conceptually, rhythm is rarely made explicit, instead being perhaps more readily only in the service of critique.
The haunting of rhythm
As Derrida puts it : ‘Rhythm has always haunted our tradition, without ever reaching the centre of its concerns’. On the one hand, the claim is made specifically for the discipline of philosophy. In philosophy, rhythm is said to be present yet peripheral. [...]