Over the last ten years, Rhythmanalysis has become an essential tool in many disciplines, such as Geography, Cultural Studies, Art History, Management, Sociology, Educational Sciences, Philosophy, Political Economy, Urban Planning, and more. Mostly rooted in Lefebvre’s, Deleuze’s, or Meschonnic’s thoughts, a new conceptual and critical trend has emerged. This dossier, which surely should be largely extended, aims to highlight and document this remarkable surge – PM.
Dossier — Towards a Rhythmanalytical Turn ?
* C. Revol, Rue Rambuteau Today : Rhythmanalysis in Practice (2012)
* C. Revol, Rythmes et urbanisme. Pour une approche esthétique du dynamisme urbain (2012)
* Y. Chen, ‘Walking With’ : A Rhythmanalysis of London’s East End (2013)
* M. Gérardot, Les enjeux du rythme pour la géographie (2013)
* C. Revol, Kevin Lynch et Henri Lefebvre, penseurs de l’expérience esthétique des rythmes de l’environnement urbain (2013)
* C. Revol, La rythmanalyse lefebvrienne des temps et espaces sociaux. Ébauche d’une pratique rythmanalytique aux visées esthétiques et éthiques (2014)
* K. De Wandeler, Temporality and Rhythmanalysis in Brussels. Exploring variations in the spatio-temporal appropriation of a multicultural metropolis (2014)
* P. Crespi, Rhythmanalysis in Gymnastics and Dance : Rudolf Bode and Rudolf Laban (2014)
* M. Alhadeff-Jones, Transformative Learning and the Rhythms of Individual and Collective Changes (2014)
* S. Manghani & P. Crespi, Rhythmanalysis: An Interview with Paola Crespi (2015)
* C. Borch & K. Hansen & A.-C. Lange, Markets, bodies, rhythms : a rhythmanalysis of financial markets from open-outcry trading to high-frequency trading (2015)
* D. Lyon, Doing audio-visual montage to explore time and space : The everyday rhythms of Billingsgate Fish Market (2016)
* J. T. Wozniak, Towards a rhythmanalysis of debt dressage : Education as rhythmic resistance in everyday indebted life (2017)
* P. Michon, A Rhythm Constellation in the 1970s and 1980s – Lefebvre, Foucault, Barthes, Serres, Morin, Deleuze & Guattari, and Meschonnic (2017)
* S. Blue, Institutional rhythms : Combining practice theory and rhythmanalysis to conceptualise processes of institutionalisation (2017)
* A. Mubi Brighenti & M. Kärrholm, Beyond rhythmanalysis: towards a territoriology of rhythms and melodies in everyday spatial activities (2018)
* F. Dakka & A. Wade, Writing Time:A Rhythmic Analysis of Contemporary Academic Writing (2018)
* G. Drevon, L. Gwiazdzinski, V. Kaufmann, L. Pattaroni, O. Soubeyran, Rythmes de vie(s), rythmes de ville(s). Promesses d’un concept en mouvement (2018)
* P. Michon, Rythmanalyse et rythmologie aujourd’hui (2019)
* W. Davies, The political economy of pulse : Techno-somatic rhythm and real-time data (2019)
Aux Éditions Rhuthmos
* P. Michon, Elements of Rhythmology III. The Spread of Metron – From the 1840s to the 1910s
* P. Michon, Elements of Rhythmology II. From the Renaissance to the 19th Century
* P. Michon, Elements of Rhythmology I. Antiquity
* L. Gwiazdzinski, La Nuit, dernière frontière de la ville
* L. Gwiazdzinski (dir.), La Ville 24 heures sur 24. Regards croisés sur la société en continu
En librairie
* H. Lefebvre, Éléments de rythmanalyse et autres essais sur les temporalités
* D. Lyon, What is Rhythmanalysis ?
* Y. Chen, Practising Rhythmanalysis. Theories and Methodologies
* P. Sauvanet (dir.), Les rythmes en arts
* S. Schmolinsky, D. Hitzke, H. Stahl (Dir.), Taktungen und Rhythmen : Raumzeitliche Perspektiven interdisziplinär
* S. Lippi, Rythme et Mélancolie
* L. Eikelboom, Rhythm: A Theological Category
* J.-J. Wunenburger, et J. Lamy (dir) : Rythmanalyse(s) : Théories et pratiques du rythme. Ontologie, définitions, variations
* M. Alhadeff-Jones, Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education : Rethinking the temporal complexity of self and society
En ligne
* Y. Chen, Murmuring in the Waves : A Rhythmanalysis of the 1970s’ Conjunctural Shift in Britain
* R. Laban, Eurhythmy and Kakorhythmy in Art and Education – Trans. Paola Crespi
* R. Bode, Rhythm and its Importance for Education – Trans. Paola Crespi
* T. Grannis, Modernités de Meschonnic
*C. Nevejan, P. Sefkatli & S. Cunningham, City Rhythm : Logbook of an Exploration
* RHYTHMANALYSIS – Call for chapters for an edited volume – Editors : Dawn Lyon, University of Kent, UK & Ray Hutchison, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, US – Deadline for submission 5 November 2019
* RHYTHMANALYSIS – NOW ONLINE : Seminar : « Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask » – Goldsmith College – London – 15th February 2017 to 30th May 2017